En grupo con Islands International School y Northern International School
La experiencia adquirida en fundar y desarrollar un proyecto educativo integral respalda y alienta a la profesora Estela María Irrera de Pallaro a asumir la creación de una nueva sede en 1999, construida con la finalidad de enriquecer los objetivos institucionales en un lugar donde las familias no sólo encuentran paz y privacidad, sino también un espacio en contacto con la naturaleza. Con un plantel directivo y docente constantemente capacitado, la misión es formar a alumnos capaces de integrarse e interactuar en un medio social cada vez más complejo, en el cual necesitarán un sinfín de herramientas para poder desenvolverse con éxito. Para eso, el Colegio cuenta con más de un cuarto de siglo compartido con alumnos y se nutre de ellos para brindar una educación exigente, que no sólo contempla aspectos académicos, sino que además pretende formar personas íntegras. Southern International School desarrolla las distintas capacidades de los alumnos por medio de actividades para lograr que se desenvuelvan con total autonomía y libertad en la sociedad de hoy.
Languages at International Schools
In the 21st century there is an increasing need for people with a firm knowledge of different languages, as a result of the process of globalization and the growing importance of multilingual communication across national frontiers. International Schools have fully accepted this challenge: all students take English and Italian as foreign languages at all three schools; moreover, those at Southern and Northern have the opportunity of studying a fourth language, Portuguese, and so obtain international certification in four languages.
From the age of three, our Kindergarten pupils start to learn English as a second language. During these first years, learning takes place informally. The teachers plan their classes using a wide range of resources: games, stories, songs, poems, short plays, videos and art. This produces a dynamic, cheerful atmosphere in class.
In Kinder 5 our pupils also start learning Italian, a process which continues throughout the whole primary and secondary years, with the aim of achieving fluent communication enabling them to interact in different situations and study different literary and cultural texts.
As from Kinder 5 the afternoon session is devoted to the learning of foreign languages and gradually a number of subjects are taught in English, especially Mathematics and Science. At the same time, with mastery of the basics of the language, the approach changes to the teaching of English as a first language, with emphasis on oral and written skills. Moreover, to continue with the natural approach of the early years, the pupils take drama in English not only in class but also to act out on the stage. The primary stage culminates in 6th grade with the first international examinations, those of the Cambridge International Primary Programme (CIPP) in English as a first language, together with Mathematics and Science in English.
The formal study of Italian starts in 4th grade and in 6th grade the students are prepared to take Level A1 in the Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera (CILS) of the University of Siena, Italy. In 7th grade they take Level A2. During the final primary years and the first years of secondary education, there is an increase in the number of subjects taught in English to include English Literature, Biology, History and Business, together with the continuation of Mathematics.
Drama in English continues and Debating is introduced as an informal activity in English. In 7th grade the students take the traditional Preliminary Test in English (PET) of the University of Cambridge, and as from the beginning of secondary school preparation begins for the International General Certificate in Secondary Education (IGCSE) of the University of Cambridge taken by all students in 3rd year (4th year in the province of Buenos Aires), after taking Checkpoint examinations in Mathematics two years previously and English as a first language one year beforehand. It bears mentioning that the standard required in English is the same as in England at the same age. The students take five subjects in English (first Language English, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology and Business) and two in Spanish (first Language Spanish and Spanish Literature). At the same time there is greater emphasis on Italian and the students reach Level B1 in 1st year (2nd year in the province of Buenos Aires) and then Level B2 of the CILS scheme of examinations.
The study of languages culminates in the final two years in which the International Baccalaureate programmes are covered in mother tongue Spanish, the bilingual option of English and Italian as a foreign language. The three subjects taken at the higher level of the International Baccalaureate are normally the three languages, with Biology and Economics in English at the standard level to ensure the award of a bilingual diploma in the final examinations in November of the last year. The inclusion of Italian as a subject in the final examinations ensures access to the third secondary diploma, the Maturità Linguistica awarded by the Ministry of Public Education in Italy. Those students who take Portuguese in the Northern and Southern schools also have the opportunity of taking this language as an additional subject in the International Baccalaureate examinations. In all IB language examinations great importance is attached to the oral examination ensuring mastery of languages at an intellectual level, as also occurs in the written papers and the written work required in advance of the final examinations.
Certificados nacionales e internacionales
Los certificados nacionales e internacionales que se entregan en las tres sedes son los siguientes:
• Bilingual Secondary Diploma (Argentina).
• International Baccalaureate Bilingual Diploma (Geneva, Switzerland).
• Maturità Linguistica (Italian Official Diploma).
• University of Cambridge (UK); CIPP (Cambridge International Primary Programm), PET (Preliminary English Test), Checkpoint, IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education).
• Università di Siena (Italy); Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera.